Travel bags
Travel bags are the alternative to suitcases and trolleys. They are available in different sizes and variants. Fabric models that can be casually slung over the shoulder thanks to their carrying handles look particularly sporty. The practical thing here is that they are very flexible in their shape and can be folded up. This saves you a lot of space both at home and at your destination. For those who like to travel with a travel bag but don't want to carry a heavy load, there are also models with a telescopic handle and wheels. This gives you the flexibility of a travel bag with the advantages of a wheeled suitcase. Most models are equipped with lots of inside and outside pockets to make it easy for you to pack your travel items neatly.
Diverse selection of travel bags at koffer24
At koffer24 you will find travel bags to suit your taste. Whether with or without wheels, you'll find what you're looking for here. If you want to travel in a particularly chic and stylish way, then you should go for a classic leather model. Fabric travel bags usually have a more sporty look. Whichever model you choose, we offer you the highest quality. This means you'll enjoy your new travel bag for a long time and can experience many adventures with it.